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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fork in the Road

I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. What's my problem? First of all, I'm a rat, which means life is hard. And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.
- Rémy, Ratatouille

I've come to a fork in the road of my life. I've outgrown and left my position as a P.R. and marketing associate for a boutique firm where I've been working since I graduated college a year and a half ago. Now the possibilities for my life beyond are endless and overwhelming.

A few weeks cooped up in my apartment, soul-searching and job-searching has made me stir-crazy.

Pronunciation: \ˈstər-ˈkrā-zē\
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1908

1. distraught because of prolonged confinement

2. cooking-obsessed, engrossed in all things culinary

With the future uncertain for me, I've found certainty in centuries-old, tried-and-true cooking techniques.

I've signed up for Fine Cooking I at the Institute of Culinary Education, a 5-day, 25-hour training program of essential cooking techniques such as knife skills, sauteing, grilling and roasting. Each day our instructor, Richard Ruben, teaches us 4-5 techniques and then we apply them to make a meal in class. For "homework," each night (much to the delight of my friends and roommates) I am going to create a dinner using the techniques I have learned in class. And then...if I have any energy left, I'm going to blog about it here.

When you come to a fork in life's path, I believe you should pick it up and eat with it! And that is just what I intend to do this week!

Special thanks to Wes Mattice for helping me "whip up" the Stir Crazy Sara logo and to my Dad for the incredibly generous gift of this class!


  1. This is great! Can't wait for tomorrow's "homework" :)

  2. Reading your blog is like eating your food ... it makes me hungry for more. Delicious!

  3. Nice job Sara! Can't wait to read more!
